Condiments are seasonings used in cooking to provide different flavors in food, enhancing the flavor of the meal with a smaller amount of refined salt.

Black pepper
- One of the best known spices;
- Its varieties are: Black, White, Red and Green;
- Acts as a thermogenic.

- Condiment widely used in Pizzas and Sauces.
- They are well known for giving aroma to dishes;
- Acts as an antioxidant.

- One of the best-known condiments in the world;
- Used in sauces, snacks, etc.
- Rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C.

Turmeric powder
- Anti-inflammatory power.

- Reduce cardiovascular risk.

Yellowish brown seed. Widely used in sauces for meat and fish.

Used in making pasta to increase nutritional value and give greater color.

It is produced from annatto grains, providing a reddish color to food, without interfering with the flavor of the food.